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Looking at Happiness

Another strong relationship is the love between family members. The way that family shows that love varies from family to family. This one seems to enjoy being outdoors and giving piggyback rides to their kids. Mine on the other hand love to be the most rude people on the Earth to each other. If we aren't mean to you then we aren't really friends. It's our special way of saying we care and trust you.

One of my personal favorite relationships, is the relationship between a person and the internet. It's strange and wild ride that you can't ever let go. You think you got off the ride but you went further down the road. The memes, All Of The MEMES. Glorious memes that make some people question humanity while others see them as the reason humanity is great. Now I will be the first to admit that not all memes hit the mark and most memes aren't allowed on a website that any person can you(think of the children). People just have to find the good ones, have to develop your meme eye to bring joy as you slowly forget  why the internet was made originally. 

One of the strongest relationships that invoke happiness is the relationship between Significant Others. My relationship with Tia, my very sweet and weird girlfriend is no exception. This picture was taken at my cousin's graduation party. You can tell it was her idea to take a picture because of my weird smile and my jacket that I always wear is on the floor. I love her though; can't imagine being with anyone else but her. Four years together and still going strong.

I've been told many times that "Friendship Is Magic!" Whether it be from some anime character or a show about ponies, a dragon and magic. But friendship actually is pretty magical as you see in the picture to the left. That feather looks like the most fake and photo-shopped thing in my life but everything else is showing how friends are great. Look at those people enjoying things on the beach, you know you want to do things like them. My friends are more indoors people that hate the outside so I won;t be going to the beach anytime soon with them.

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