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Collaborative Project:


My Role On This Project: Support Lead and A.I Programmer


Our group of classmates were split up into 4 main groups that would work on specific parts of the project, the Art, Programming, Design and the Support. Each one of these teams had a main lead who worked with the other leads to stay updated about where we need to put more or less focus. Every person also had a secondary role where they would help a different team when work needed to be done.

I was the Support Lead so that entailed me doing playtesting, recording updates during group meetings and being available to assist team members when needed. In the beginning there wasn't a lot for the Support team to do, it was easier for the person creating that scene/object/animation to test in comparison to getting someone to come over. I was able to fulfill my role as a Support lead in the ongoing parts of the project as final aspects of the game were implemented into solid builds.

I leaned more into the Programming to aid the team and decided that I would handle the programming of all the enemies. I used the input of the design team to code how the enemy would behave based around the player using Behavior Trees. Controlling how some would guard a specific area while others endlessly chased, controlling when and how every enemy spawned and how they would attack the player. The work of the AI and the art team's models become finalized into what you see in the game.

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