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For me, my happiness comes from the people I love. What's a relationship you have that makes you

My relationship with my mother makes me happy. She is where most of my personality comes from; for better or worse. She has always supported me with my weird ideas while constantly calling me out when I was doing something stupid. She and I even connect over very weird experiences, like how her friend was ordering food from Popeye's while on the phone; when suddenly a lady starts singing in a church-like voice "Loooooveeeee that Chicken from Popeye's...may I take your order?" We were in so much shock as we were having a casual conversation that her friend almost forget to order. My mom and I just died of laughter and questioned why she even said that, was she really dedicated to the job? Was she forced to sing at gun point? Is there a "Help" or secret code on the receipt? One of the best days on my life and I honestly don't know what i'd do without her.

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